Conversations with Elders

I was actually a student of Temasek Polytechnic (TP) … for a grand total of maybe 3 days. When I was 16, I thought that perhaps, the diploma route was for me despite already being in another JC so I secretly applied for TP in the early part of the year. And got accepted way later.

My point is.. I could have been dancing with The Elders!

They’re all members of TP’s hip hop dance club, Temasek Polytechnic Dance Ensemble and have graduated into the alumni club – with the same initials but known as The Passionate Dancing Elders. How apt indeed.

The crew has a mixed range of ages, the eldest Elder has just finished National Service (Singapore’s conscripted army) and the youngest has yet to enlist which makes them between 20 to 23.

The Elders shared that Ben (the youngest Elder, left most) is the one who brought the crew together. He was itching to join SDD since Vol. 3 but never got around to it. This year, he decided it was THE YEAR. The Elders got together in Dec 2013 and started intensive training in Jan 2014.

The choreography is done by all five of them, it was really cute to see them using coins to personalise their blocking (more in the YouTube video). Doing the choreography together makes them feel like they own the steps and everyone of them feel for the steps.

The usual choreographic process is to come up with the steps, do the blocking then visuals. The Elders took it another round, they do the flow, blocking visuals then fill in the steps – this is sage advice from An An (one of the judges for SDD prelims).

The Elders are also a critical bunch of dancers – they mentioned that they are very OCD and perfectionist. I think it’s representative in their item and music choice too. Because they had such demanding criteria in their music choice, it took them quite a while before they could settle on song choice.

The Elders has been one of my top crews so far and I’m rooting for them this Volume.

Fun fact: The crew ordered their costumes online – leather pants and this floral jacket but they ALL tore their leather pants 2 days before the Prelims. I like their look – it’s fresh and vibrant.

The Elders will be tweaking their item for the Finals. Here’s my video interview with The Elders

Photographs are used with permission from Overide Photography. Please check out the Facebook Page for more pictures!

I was not paid to blog about Singapore Dance Delight Vol 5. This series is an invitation by to blog about this dance competition as a blog challenge. Two bloggers will win a sponsored trip to Japan which includes: flight, 3 nights accommodation and entry to Japan Dance Delight.

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