Seattle: AirBnB experience
I flew into Seattle a weekend earlier than I was due for work and was looking around for a comfortable and accessible location to stay before I headed off to my hotel. It seems like Capitol Hill was the area to be in and I got lucky with the place I chose on AirBnB.
My host, Anne, was a hospitable and helpful lady. I didn’t actually meet her in person due to our conflicting schedules but she was prompt to respond to my queries via email and text message. Anne provided me with directions from SeaTac. My room was simple, airy and sunny! There were good dining locations all around the neighbourhood.
If you’ll like to know where I stayed, drop me a comment below and I’ll be happy to refer you.

I think one of the more unique thing about this particular AirBnB that I got was that the owners actually resided in the home itself. More than often, the AirBnB rented out is merely a rental unit.
I thought it was pretty interesting to see how the kitchen differs from Asian kitchens. I know for a fact in my home, my grandmomma likes to keep things out of sight, that is in cupboards. I guess in seasonal countries, it wouldn’t mattered if you leave things on table top in cold weather cos things wouldn’t spoil as fast.
I was there when the weather was transitioning to summer so it was still cold and windy. The best part about my timing was: THERE WERE LOADS OF SAKURAS!!! I was so excited about seeing the Sakuras I probably looked like an idiot trying to take pictures of all the Sakuras I passed by. Betcha never knew even the branches are pink!
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