About her

I go by Meowsyy most of the times, because that was christened by my first hip hop instructor and it stuck ever since.
It’s been a while but I read Communications & New Media in National University of Singapore (NUS), Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences with a major in Communications & New Media (CNM). I’m not a fantastic student but I’ve had a vibrant campus life. I was a resident at Raffles Hall the whole of my tertiary life.
My bones are creaky but once upon a time, I danced with NUS’s varsity Hip Hop dance club, NUS Dance Blast! I’ve since graduated to the alumni arm.
My early career years were spent in public relations. I took a plunge to chase dreams in my late twenties. Here I am, starting from the bottom of the rung as a journalist.
Once in a while I take dance classes (mostly hip hop, contemporary and jazz) to maintain the rusty limbs. However, I find myself gravitating to the gym and yoga these days.
I also enjoy food-tripping, shopping for good bargains and cheap thrills. I play in a ukulele ensemble and sing in a community chorus.
My blog is a lifestyle blog with a focus on travel, food and dance. While some of the posts maybe useful resources, most of these are memories that I’ll like to keep. When I’m old, wrinkled and hagged, I want to refer back to these posts and remember my beautiful times. My blog is also a reference site for my friends.
Please bear in mind I hold a day job and this is a free resource site. I try to keep content as updated as I can but some content are bound to be outdated as this blog ages – shops close, restaurants move, life goes on. For past content, please do a fact check and your own due diligence.
I typically reply within 24 – 48 hours! I welcome and usually reply all comments (constructive please) and questions (that cannot be Googled).
Stalk me @ Meowsyy on Twitter / Instagram / Dayre
If you’ll like to take it offline, drop me a line at hello (at) meowsyy (d0t) com
If you’re shy, ask me questions/ drop comments anonymously: ask.fm/askmeowsyy
P.S. I am not on Tumblr if you’re wondering.
April 14, 2014 at 11:01 amHello, I’m going to be a freshie this coming academic year (14/15) and I am really torn between choosing Eusoff and Raffles. Raffles because it’s just right beside my fac (I’ll be in Chemical Engineering)..Eusoff because, well actually because they seem really bonded and fun when I went for NUS Open House! I also love hip hop a lot, but I’m afraid I cannot make it into Dance Blast so I wanna ask if you joined Dance Blast in your first year? And won’t Hall activities make you busy enough how could you still be able to juggle between Dance Blast and Hall activities (I’m excited for hall life but quite scared la ^_^) OH AND are there mostly engineers in Raffles hall? Why did you choose Raffles instead of Eusoff?
Sorry for asking so many questions!!!!!
April 14, 2014 at 10:51 pmHey there, thanks for dropping by! If you want to dance and is in engineering, I think it’s a no brainer for you to go for RH. While EH doesn’t seem that far away from Engineering, the walk there is still tedious and let’s not even talk about shuttle buses. It also helps that most of your hall peers are going to be engineers so you’ll always see a friendly face, have someone to sit beside, help you with school work and be in project group. Engineering tutorials are no joke. You’re gonna appreciate the fact that you can pop back for a nap in the afternoon too. And yes, majority of freshies in RH are engineers with a small minority in Science and the rest scattered everywhere else.
EH is known for being a sports hall as opposed to RH being an arts hall. The hall life vibrancy – I think each hall is unique and has a lot of “life” and “hype”, I really don’t think one hall is better in “hall life” than the other.
I joined Dance Blast! when i was in year one because I had been dancing before university under the same instructor (Patrick Loo). You’re still some time away from the freshie auditions (August usually), take dance classes while you can! Oschool, Danzpeople (esp Pat’s class will help you catch his style) and Studio Wu are some options. You’ll also get to meet Blast dancers in these classes cos most of us still take classes outside. Whether it’s tough to get in – it really depends from year to year. There typically isn’t a ceiling but it really depends on how each batch dances at auditions. There have been dancers with no prior experience getting into Blast! but I would strongly advise you to take dance classes if you want to get into Blast!
I didn’t get into RH initially (due to bad choices made and panic last min lol) but got in through the help of a dance senior. It was a pretty obvious choice for me because I knew an RH dance senior before getting in. I was from FASS and the nearest hall was EH but I knew I didn’t want to go to a sports hall but an arts hall so RH was a good choice. Then, it became a wise choice because I was dancing so much – UCC was just a street away during concerts time and Blast classes were at UCC then too.
With regards to juggling school, Blast! and hall activities, it sounds really cliche but it boils down to your time management skills. There are Blast! dancers who were on dean’s lists or are scholars, lawyers and doctors. It’s easy to get sucked into the spiral of partying/clubbing esp when you just discover this new lifestyle (and don’t have to head home and face parents at 4am.) Not too sure about the system now but to gain enough points to stay in hall the following year, you’ll need to join activities – pick these wisely. Usually, you’ll have a couple of crazy months filled with hall activities then it’ll slowly ease out. Oh, continual revision helps too – don’t leave your academics to study/recess work only.
I loved my hall life and the independence it gave me, I think my three years at RH and Blast! gave me many valuable lessons and friends. I hope it works out for you too! Happy to answer any other questions you may have.
April 15, 2014 at 8:38 amThank you so much for the reply!!!! Do you mind giving me your email so I could email you directly if I have more questions? I feel a little exposed here hahaha oh you mentioned that Dance Blast classes were at UCC? Do you happen to know if they are still there now? It would be so so convenient if I go Raffles hall! Like, every day just go fac of eng and UCC ^_^
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Elaine R. Lim
January 16, 2017 at 2:50 pmHi! I am sending you a feedback on Guavapass as follows:
Be warned about GuavaPass! Their business practice is unethical. They cheated my daughter of 5 months subscription. My daughter thought she signed up for a one-month subscription last May, only for her one-month summer vacation. From the time she went back to Med School she was too busy to realize that they had continued charging her Until I checked the continued charges they were making on her extension credit card.
We wrote them a very strong email letter that they were to cease and desist from further charging subscription which had zero attendance for five months. I demanded a full refund but all they were willing to accommodate was a one-month refund. They got $300 subscription through unfair means. Now you will understand why when others are finding it difficult GUAVAPASS makes easy sales.
January 16, 2017 at 3:08 pmHi Elaine, thanks for the feedback. Perhaps your daughter did not click into the terms when she signed up, I believe the contract should mention that month on month contract is based on auto renewal. In that case, a manual opt-out is required. Thanks for the note though, I’ll add into my post that GuavaPass members should note the auto-renewal subscription. The opt out auto renewal is actually a quite common procedure amongst subscription services, this isn’t the first time I have come across opt-out renewal.