Good buys: Benefit Cosmetics Finding Mr Bright

If you’re looking to purchase Benefit Cosmetics, why not try joining a spree?

I did some research to check out how much I would save if I purchase this beauty kit, Finding Mr Bright, online as opposed to at the local Sephora Store.

The product at Sephora store costs: SGD51

At Benefit website: USD27.99 based on 1.33 (USD exchange rate) will cost: SGD$37.23. If you join a spree (shoppers cobbling online to save on shipping costs) as Benefit offers free international shipping above USD150, you basically pay postage within Singapore (about $2?). The total costs will add up to approx $39.23

You save about $12 which buys you… about 4 plates of chicken rice. Or two McDonald’s meals with one ice cream cone and some coins to spare. Or 11 Milo packets at Cheers convenience store.

Finding Mr Bright – four mini sized products

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