Seattle: Forza coffee

Forza is this little coffee joint, not as commercialised as a big chain but not one of those “single store” cafe. This stop wasn’t a deliberate one but I was craving for a chai latte before heading to where the tourist hot spots (Seattle Space Needle and EMP Museum) were.

Forza has an Italian origins and I remember my chai latte to be one of the best I ever had. I tried Googling for other locations nearer to my hotel but there were only a few locations available. The outlet that I popped by was near the Seattle Needle but has been reported to be closed.

There was only one other customer when I was there and it’s a great place to sit back, chill and read a book. I was quite intrigued by the decor too.

See the table?
It’s filled with coffee beans!

Check out the locations of Forza’s outlets to see if you’re near one.


  1. klutzykeeli

    August 19, 2014 at 2:45 am

    Forza isn’t a single coffee joint…it’s a Washington chain. There are numerous ones throughout the state 🙂 Good coffee though!

  2. klutzykeeli

    August 19, 2014 at 2:48 am

    Sorry misread! Thought you said it was a single joint!

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